Ana Sayfa
About CGS Center


We provide corporate governance related services ranging from assessment to research and from raising awareness to compliance to the

  • Companies
  • Not for profit organizations

with eligible experts both from business and academia, at the national and global level under the leadership of Dr. Guler Manisalı Darman, an internationally known expert in Corporate Governance


Corporate Governance and Sustainability Center (CGS Center) provides advisory services to those companies that would like to be competitive, access capital markets at reasonable rates, manage risks, and assure sustainability. CGS Center assists the companies to;

  • set up their corporate governance strategies and the relevant roadmap
  • set up intra-group governance structures
  • structure better boards
  • hold effective and efficient board meetings
  • prepare themselves for the corporate governance ratings
  • ensure risk management and internal control systems
  • increase transparency and accountability in the face of stakeholders and shareholders – the institutional investors
  • reach the relevant information about the developments in corporate governance at the global level
Not for profit Organizations

Not for profit organizations like chambers of commerce and business associations are not immune from the problems of bad governance. CGS Center assists not for profit organizations to develop tailor-made best practices for good governance within the availability of their limited sources both in time and money. CGS Center develops checklists and programme of action in overseeing and monitoring of the management of these organizations

CGS Center has committed itself to tailor-made solutions in business based on the strength of knowledge in management and good governance

CGS Center believes that Corporate Governance is a moving target and has the vision to challenge for better governance, always, ahead of peers

Bağlıca Mah. 1228 Sokak
A Blok 2/1
+90 312 220 22 20

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CGS Center